Drawing / writer: François Lapierre
Editorial: Glénat Quebec
Pages: 56
Published: January 2011
When the animals lived in harmony with heaven, everything was perfect. But later, the deer killed the bear and the wolf ran away. Since then the deer is considered an animal cursed, and so do the deer clan of the tribe of the Anisnabegs (Algonquin ). His boss, Tsheineh, the decision to turn his clan and for that Teshkan asks his son, who brings a "black dress" as they called the Jesuits. During his trip, encounters Teshkan will set his destiny.
François Lapierre addresses, again, the Native American legends, its previous publication as author of all aspects of the work-slash-color picture was "Sagah-Nah, parlait qui l'indien fantômes aux (Sagah-Nah, the Indian who spoke to the ghosts). With "Chroniques sauvages" (Chronicle wild), remains within the fantasy Quebec, but other record of emotions. This story goes young people between 9 and 12, but adults will love just as the young Indian Odyssey Teshkan, how not to be seduced by the richness of this story, its characters, the use of color and a stroke that is admirably adapted to the story?. "Chroniques sauvages" can be considered a nice surprise in the coming year.
The script has nothing to envy to the great epics. Teshkan is an outcast, what we will realize quickly, an outcast who champions the cause of other outcasts. Memorable characters Mihin her little sister, wanting to protect his brother, his grandfather, who he sees in dreams or settlers, eager for riches and revenge. It is with Lornand, a lone French hunter, who Teshkan find peace. With your help, knows which way to go, complete his quest or abandon it. A story about the morality of man, François Lapierre invites us to read. Man is neither good nor bad, it's free and be at peace with their actions and in this story, the characters are at peace with their actions, whether contradictory or not.
The story takes place in New France, but instead of lush vegetation, is a white robe that covers the country. A nice twist in the script, everything is white, quiet, "boring" as emphasized by the narrator. The pace of the story is "calm" despite the fighting, adventure, nothing seems to accelerate the inevitable fate of the young hero.
The drawing emphasizes very well the environment, including police and fantastic. The characters are marked by its history: Teshkan with his scars, his ear torn off, Lornand, an old and strong Lonely Hunter, and Mihin, whose circular recalls childhood stroke. We are far from an attractive hero is a brave man as a brother. Something that works. As for the colors used, nuanced colors are deep, that fuel the story. François Lapierre know how to use strong colors, digital color, but in dominating the artistic talent.
"Chroniques sauvages" is a beautiful story that intermingle poetry, philosophy, western and adventure. A comic to enjoy.
Beilvaire Hervé.
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