Caracas .- The president of CANTV and MOVILNET, Jacqueline Farias, unveiled the new corporate-driven alternative state leads, in order to combat blackouts are increasingly common in Venezuela. Under the slogan "You can make a Difference" campaign includes the launch of a magazine it works only with sunlight ( http://www.movilnet.com.ve/sitio/index.jsp?seccion=cat_e764584c7bd095cb_32f9268177c7cca1 ).
The President of the State, stated: "The idea of \u200b\u200ba charger that works with sun came up with a day of blackout in my house. Call to ask President CORPOELEC when light came, and I replied "better get used and enjoy the sun and pa 'the night shall be light." That way I got the idea. " Farias also stated, "myself and I ordered two of these gadgets, because at home there is never light, these outages we are crazy."
Editor: Ali Alejandro
Rodriguez Maracay. 09/16/2009
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