Caracas .- The National United Socialist Party of Venezuela, meeting in plenary on Monday morning to congratulate the singer, songwriter and keyboardist U.S. better known by her stage name Lady GaGa, after participating in the MTV Video Music Awards 2009.
The PSUV emphasized that "I'm red sublime. It shows how the symbols of the Revolution and are touting around the world, including in the areas of the Empire "said Jorge Rodriguez. Add General (R) Alberto Müller Rojas, who besides his attire "We welcome their revolutionary attitude, breaking paradigms, worthy to be called guardian of Guaicaipuro. So will we see every day succeeding the South on the North. "
conclude that this Directive PSUV in contact with Oliver Stone, to recommend to Lady GaGa in the soundtrack of his upcoming documentary "A little South of the Border."
Editor: Ali Alejandro Rodríguez
Maracay. 09/14/2009
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