Caracas .- At the news of the expulsion of Leopoldo López of the Party ranks UNT (A New Time), the Party of Venezuela Twitters (# PTV) has stepped forward and has invited Lee to join their ranks.
From mouth @ ajmarquez, President and founder of the PTV, it was the news. @ Ajmarquez mention: "Leopoldo to invite do not be discouraged. We invite you to join our fledgling party that if the XXI century itself. " He added that "Leopoldo already know our twitter community knows that we have people and people, so from this window you can do much popular around the country, will also be able to eat much of their favorite goody, such as boliquesos."
@ ajmarquez In conclusion, in the company of @ Saricientta, Executive Secretary of the Party of Venezuela Twitterers, I mention that already has prepared a video-conference with Lopez to define the terms of its junction with the PTV via http://www. ustream.tv /, where the former mayor will share with their followers. The press conference culminated with shouts of "Patria, broadband and Boliqueso Twitter."
Editor: Ali Alejandro Rodríguez
Maracay. 31/08/2009
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