Miraflores Palace. Caracas .- "With back to back in the Miss Universe, is the dream of Bolivar." With these words, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez opened his speech from the balcony of the town, at an impromptu hearing held in a caravan, the unheard-of-fact that two Venezuelan consecutively won the Miss Universe.
"is a triumph of the south against the north, the insurgency Guaicaipuro, the Pachamama, the weak who overcomes all obstacles to subdue their oppressors" continued his speech the president, and then surprise everyone with the following message: "Ladies of Puerto Rico, Colombia, Russia, Dominican Republic, listen well: Not again! The term limits here to stay! Venezuela to Miss Universe to 200siempre! Venceremos! "
The forceful speech of President was met with cheers by those present. A drunkard passing through Urdaneta Avenue, to hear the applause, said: "Fatherland, Sequin, or Death."
Chiguire Taken from Bipolar
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