the Norwegian author JASON AND BLACK HUMOR.
John Love, aka Jason, is the only Norwegian author who has crossed the borders of the Franco-Belgian bande dessinée. After "Chhht!" , "Des morts et des vivants" or "J'ai tue Adolf Hitler" , published with his cynical and unemotional clear line of the album "Low Moon & autres histoires" , a melancholy ode to poetry sword, stick or gun, a funny and poignant cry the suffering of existence.
Jason has the black humor of the impossible love and the dead in series. Nothing is superfluous in the world of silence and blank stares, expressions hidden, where chance has no place and absurdity pervades everything.
Is death a source of inspiration for art and humor?
In my stories there are many dead, but I have no explanation for this phenomenon. I've never seen a person die in real life. Perhaps it is the result of an obsession of my characters are types that can kill the women they love. In fact, I have no explanation for love. Simply found that both love and death can lead to good stories ...
In their stories there are many dead but little blood, as if, somehow, would kill to play ...
is very easy to use violence with the sole aim to surprise, but that does not interest me. Game of containment, with the underlying emotion. Is a latent violence that does not seek exaltation, which is much more effective because it forces the reader to imagine things. When you do not hear the cries of the victim, forcing the reader to internalize.
Do your characters never have regrets?
In "Proto film noir" , one of the episodes Low Moon, using death as a running-gag or as a nod to black cinema. But in the last story in the book "Tu es là" , speak directly with remorse, the fact that we always regret anything in life, no matter what. This is a recurring theme in my work. My first album translated into French, "Attends ..." and told the story of a boy who was ashamed of the death of his best friend.
You draw characters impassive little expressive and show no emotion. Something that reaches the reader. How do you get?
In the silent era, Buster Keaton never showed his feelings to the viewer, because the emotion is more authentic when it is born of the small details of a story, though he did not say all the reader or viewer.
Some of their stories carry this principle to a climax with speech bubbles without any text.
not something premeditated. I do a script before drawing an album. When I take the pen I realize that silence can be more expressive than words. This allows me to conceal from the reader what the characters and let them think that he fill those snacks text. I like to explain my stories, I'd rather not say anything about them, cultivate the mystery, it is to frustrate the reader, is that many times myself and I have the keys and answers!
Is sad face of his characters is a way of bringing black humor into the scripts?
I am convinced that death is something very painful that sometimes can be fun. My job is to turn death into something fun, even when she herself, is not. I think that in life there is nothing so serious that you can not laugh about it. My works systematically alternate between the serious and humorous, between reality and absurdity.
Daniel Couvreur interview published in the newspaper Le Soir on 13/02/2009

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