Somnambul Casaer. Dreaming while dreaming.
LES Somnambul (Sleepwalkers) Writer: Randall
Casaer .
Drawing: Randall
Casaer . Editorial
Casterman Posted on 14-01-2009
104 pages Synopsis: Imagine a dream where you turn is sleeping, where you start a new dream and so suddenly is in "Les Somnambul (Slaapkoppen in original). Full of strange twists, sparkling, heady, this unique epic tale follows the dream of a couple and their changes at the edge of nonsense, in the form of short chapters different from each other, where the apparent disconnect leads us to compose a mosaic consistency.
Humor, philosophy and poetry exposed through a drawing of great simplicity. "I Somnambul" won the award for best debut album in Flanders (Blikk Biebel 2008) and Holland (VPRO Debuutprijs 2008). Its success led to only six months after its publication had a second edition.
Randall Casaer
filmmaker Randall Casaer flamenco, which usually work on Belgian comic monologues, signing a splendid debut in the database. "Les Somnambul" is a story dreamers who dream which in turn are dreaming. A dreamlike environment in which the author, a great admirer of French artists and Blain Sfar, let your imagination free rein. "I once read in a Tibetan Zen treated if they are dreaming and dreaming and seven times in the dream, we reach nirvana. It was a good start for a story, he says. Then, like a puzzle, I was adding small personal follies, as the clouds turn into characters or talk only with verbs, not adjectives ". She loves to record their dreams in a notebook ( "In my dreams I fly often. It's great!" ) and according to some methods, is trained to be aware of their state when sleepwalker, and he says, "being lucid at the time of sleep can try many things would not be made with eyes open" .
Dreamers Unlimited. Interview with Randall Casaer. was a guest of the great Flemish exhibition presented at the Festival of Angoulême, where he presented the French translation of her debut album.
In the first pages of "Somnambul" you quoted Carlos Castaneda, Patricia Garfield and Lewis Carroll, why Why?
These references provide the key to the story because the story never explicitly say a "careful, you're dreaming!" Could not do that. In a dream really no way to know whether we are in reality, that's exactly what they say, Patricia Garfield and Carlos Castaneda, we can control our dreams and become aware of the fact that we are dreaming. Just a little practice, but once we got the whole dream world is a giant amusement park where everything is possible.
Are you a dreamer? I am artist, I love to watch, observe, watch people, yes.
The sea has an important place in his book. What if you were born to live on a deserted island, like Igor and Olav?
Or I would go mad or reach nirvana. Except if I had an internet connection, in this case could lead a normal life author of BD, working in solitude, communicating a bit, working in solitude, communicating a bit, ad infinitum ...
Is this trip a metaphor for the couple that places in history?
course, but the metaphor is extended to modern man in general, which makes their lives without fully understanding what happens and who believes that everything is perfect for so long that their perception of reality despises the important things in life. Women do not need to put as many labels, but it is an unconscious.
First pages (click to enlarge):