Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Parent Teache Conference Forms


First of all, start by thanking my lines this year, which ends for introducing me the opportunity to meet so many diverse but have something in common with me, this need to express themselves without limits. In this, the penultimate day of the year, I take a few minutes to a few lines to address to thank all my followers those joys, laughter, fresh news and alternative communication they offered me. To my people 100% UPEL @ luischiva, @ joselrojas, @ yeliupelmaracay, @ juanchachi, @ jesusleonar, @ @ kairariak maruplacencia and others, I hope that in 2010 we continue to fight for the university that we want, not to mention the friendship bond that I hope be maintained for much longer.

A special mention to my friends chevere of Twitter, which despite my TimeLine integrated recently, # yoconfieso that have made it more entertaining than I expected: D. My best wishes for @ MMBT, @ paosv, and @ @ EtaGarcia AriC5. These concepts will bring them. TimeLine's hope that our sigan cruzándose el próximo año. Consejos: a @mmbt: en 2010 no te vayas a la playa en Diciembre, a @paosv: deja de meterte con Britney y sus circunstancias de vida, mira que a mi me gusta ella jaja, a @EtaGarcia: deja de andar pendiente de los sitios feos de Maracay mira que tu eres una niña muy linda (pila con la junta con @ierniie que para sus 15 años sabe mucho de esos sitios :-0) y a @AriC5: cuídate del patas blancas este año, en serio je ¡ Besos a todas. Se les aprecia.

Al pana @indiferencia no puedo mas que desearle que para este próximo año la Nokia tenga la mayor caida de acciones en Wall Street y que caiga en bancarrota a ver que va a hacer con su #usonokia jaja. Mentira hermano, I really hope that next year will be of benefit to you and your Unfollow less and less: D. Successes. Professor @ Hectortorres57 hope that next year will continue to have things both funny and instructive to read in my Timeline. People like @ @ UCEVISTA maru_menechey, @ Dayanaiwasaki, @ IsabellaPacheco, @ @ orlimaraguilera jmcamero and hope that their struggle in 2010 is as intense as it has been so far. Continue to use this window to proclaim freedom we all deserve. My Best wishes. Special mention to the corduroy @ YelenaGon who is not only a tireless fighter UCEVISTA and libertarian causes in general, but also entertains a lot of my TimeLine. A kiss for you buddy and make 2010 even better what was this year ends. Someone who recently came to my TimeLine but surely it has improved 100%, with his deep and inspiring tweets, the beautiful @ CNenita. Pana, the truth I have come to appreciate you a lot in this short time. I hope you continue making me think hard with your Tweets murderers. Lol! A big kiss and best wishes to heart for the next year.

Finally my best wishes to my friend and friend @ JorgeDiazV, I hope that 2010 is three times what was good about this (and that's saying a lot, you know that if: D) and that we can implement the plans associative left pending. I love you brother crude. A corduroy @ Rebeca__Mariana, which next year will be professional success your teacher, and you open new doors for your future, you want a lot: D. Finally, at the MPB @ Jhannelly. This year I had the good fortune to know a lot more, so I hope no less than 2010. My best wishes to you, heart, I hope that next year an even more MPB us and bring you many good things stored. I love you, you know that if.

twitterers To all the friends I do not mention but which also are in my TimeLine, they are much appreciated. I wish that next year brings many good things Followers and pure. Happy New Year and my sincere love to everyone.

Your # twitterpana: @ alialej

PS: Thanks to @ VaVil chevere pana to clarify the errorcito with @ ierniie! je! My good wishes to you too: D

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lens Hood Differences

hates and pities the criminal offense Niki-Niki

I admit, I have something like horror vacui, I give you an empty space and filled it with the most disparate things in a flash. But I do not leave an inch gap, go. I can take a while to boot, yes, but when I start I can not stop. You can imagine that with such tara Christmas is a total risk, because I do not settle for putting a strip of lights on the tree. No. I whether to kill, pithing. "Enlightenment? As for decorating a brothel. Before he put them not, of any kind, but some years ago, when Seville was in exile, I felt a strange frenzy that drove me to buy the most extravagant light decorations in the whole world, and with the invaluable help of Lidl and IKEA, I got a huge strip lights of all colors and unimaginable ways (I think there until geese flying) possible. The afternoon that JB got home after spending a few hours running errands and found such a display of colorful lights were about to teach a yellow card. Was contained, because the girls were delighted. Well, that and because I told him how serious it was able to scold me for a few lights when he had assembled a hundreds and Birth hundreds of plastic figurines. Sure, there had to be silenced, because it is true that when Kenya was born he spent to buy plastic figurines, and houses, and plastic palm trees, and animals, and mountains and dining room occupy half recreating what Siberia called "the countryside Palestinian "with a likelihood ratio of zero player. I though I let those figures seem horrible and amount on my own two more births: a naive style of cartoons (which the cat has a special grudge and strives to eat all the characters who fall into their Garritan, especially San Jose, contained dangerous as they come), and artisanal and precious of everything that everyone has forbidden to touch it as a broken mess that pa Pajarraca why.

The other day, after JB had finished scattering the Romans almost two centuries of living in the birth, I realized that Bethlehem had become a branch of a nursing home: the average age of all dolls was over forty years. He gave me a bad feeling awful, so I spent a couple of days wondering how to solve such a problem population. The solution was introduced only two days later, one afternoon when I used to walk the corridors of hyper with a friend and I found a shelf full of Holy Family plastic, the same collection as the birth of JB, each with a baby Jesus looking provocative. If they had been properly sealed I would not have happened but I realized that half were open and several figures fugitive had fallen to the ground in his attempt to escape the plastic that wrapped. And I was the hand, of course. Three seconds after the left hand was full of plastic niñosjesuses. "Run, Jose, let's go." "Yes, yes, we're already lame nougat few already." "Okay, but hurry." The Jose must have noticed something. "But what happens, Gin?" I simply open the hand and show content. "But Auntie, have you ever stolen a handful of niñosjesuses? You're crazy, as we will see how ridiculous catch. " Yes, yes, ridiculous and what you want, but there was a rush you're dying to fill the basket of nougat. In the box gave us giggle but neither caught me or anything, and that we had a pint of the most suspicious. When I got home was scarred hand because I had nailed niñosjesuses little feet in hand with cruelty, and delivered the stash of toys for girls, who rushed to customize the diaper painting it with colorful markers permanent. What can I say, now Bethlehem glorifies him, full of little kids everywhere, with the joy given by children, especially when they are dumb as those of plastic.
Have fun, lucky you do not have to travel these days in zodiac, as we are going to the inhabitants of this coast, we're just about to mutate. I have already said that made me ask webbed mutate, Kenya has been asked mermaid tail but I do not see anything practical, really. I see them next year.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Finger Nails Stunting Finger Growth


I wish Merry Christmas to all. May Santa bring you a lot of stuff. Besos.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Does Catheterization Feel Like

I once had a boyfriend violinist. Rodrigo actually not a violinist but violin student, but he liked to say that was a musician and let go those who asked him what he did. "I'm a violinist," he said, and remained perfectly calm. It was awful. Unfortunately he will, much, and I say unfortunately because he dedicated all his spare time to study and test, as it was sciatica worse than the result was hours and hours of squeaking more like a cat that was subjected to a slow and painful peeling that anything remotely like the music. The first time I met the neighbor on the landing I looked closely and changed its color when she saw carrying a large bag slung over his shoulder. "You too have you been making music? Do you play something? " asked anxiety lurks through the letters of the phrase. "No, ma'am, I am a dancer, just play chopsticks. But do not worry I do not think shoes or make any noise, I come and rehearsed. "The woman sighed with relief, he muttered something like" Thank God "and took refuge in his house after offering a complimentary coffee I also rejected all the courtesy I could muster. And I'm capable of much, really. At first I thought he had hit the neighboring dumb but an hour later, fully nerves on end, what I thought was strange was that neighbors had not lynched right in the "violinist." The next day I bought a few boxes of earplugs, the kind that are little balls of wax, and lay down on all mailboxes in the portal with a note reading "Do not know how I feel." Since that day every time I bumped into a neighbor's face smiled with me "poor girl, which unfortunately have to endure something so terrible, so young it is." I was a bit like because I came home and, if he heard the violin Niki-Niki, I planted the ball of wax in the ears, and so fresh. I think everyone in the building wore caps with the exception of Rodrigo and Kimba, the dog. Kimber does not put caps for spite because he was a Pekingese with a horrible character, but a damn because he was deaf. That was deaf I learned a few days, when I came out one afternoon in the park and lost it. I threw it entirely hour called out, I came home hoarse lost, and he did not fucking case. Vale, Rodrigo and I had said no release occurred to me but I could have completed the sentence and have added "... because he is deaf and not going to hear you call." Anyway, that was deaf and did not care a bit more sympathetic and deserved to hold the violin practices Rodrigo, who was unavailable to discouragement and persevered in the studio day after day. The worst thing was that I was not aware of their limited expertise and are excited every time we heard a piece on violin. And we heard often because every Saturday we went to the Teatro Real. One night they played "I Musici". It was magical. The program was made up entirely of works by Boccherini, and interpretation of La Musica Notturna Delle Strade Di Madrid was worthy of Stendhal syndrome. Between that I am unable to mourn watching a movie or reading a book and stuff like that but to listen to music and loosen mucus at all, (what they want, each one suffers Stendhal syndrome as it comes in wins) and the music notturna I have always found a beauty, I left the concert completely transported, quieter than in mass. And Rodrigo took my silence to say that the violin was good but not very vibrant, and certainly he was much better. I had hitherto maintained silence about his virtuosity something funky or rather on their lack of it, but that night I could not help laughing and the operators listened to Radio Moscow. Rodrigo did not ask or say anything, just looked at me, making a change of pace worthy of a Sunday in San Isidro in Sales, I asked if he preferred to dine at an Italian or an Indian.
During these years I thought of Rodrigo on several occasions, especially early clarinet in Kenya, when we sent to practice at the most remote corner of the garden and the neighbors called us asking you to please angry we had pity and rematáramos to that elephant that should be dying slowly in our garden. With Madagascar was worse because toooooodos tested instruments was in the band, from the piccolo to the tube, through the flute, fife, trumpet (oh, how horrible season trumpet) and a euphonium. The tube seemed to like until they rolled it myself (literally) with her sister, and decided it was better as an instrument less aggressive. There was no way, soon discovered that in the hands of Madagascar could all become in lethal weapon. At the end the girl who put an end to his career by the simple expedient of opening the car window one evening when he returned from class and music theory to throw the book at the road, where he was killed by several trucks. Since then, given that Kenya is now principal clarinet and plays divinely, I spent some years without remembering Rodrigo, but by Christmas, took several days remembering him at all times. And last week we decided to make Christmas ornaments. Well, I decided I and sent to Madagascar to the attic to look for boxes with balls, pastors, and all that. And the girl climbed into the attic and it was like when Ali Baba entered first time in the cave of robbers: Madagascar was reunited with toys when they were girls, and books, and my stuff once upon a time there was, and what happened had to happen, who threw a very long time giving little cries of surprise, and ended up down the Christmas decorations and guitars that I had kept. And there is, giving all day to cuerdecita nonstop, with the same determination that Rodrigo but fortunately much more sense and musical ear. I am about to plead temporary insanity to excuse criminal acts that I'm making these days, like stealing niñosjesuses of Carrefour (and will not tell). Same school, right?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Moving An Irish Pension To Australia

One love blue like an orange bus

To Dora's life began and ended on Wednesday. The rest of the day just waiting. Wednesday Dora went to market, to buy where the puppeteer. They called him because his son Paco entertaining clients juggling oranges. Paco only acted to Dora, saw the air come and throw oranges, one after another, until seven. He continued until he had to ask for Dora. During the week she ate an orange every day reminding. Paco missed a Wednesday. The puppeteer said he was called up. Dora does not eat oranges again.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Building Instructions For Toy Box

Man Perversions

I do not know who he is. Not even know his name. But I know a lot about him. I know in which countries have lived, how are their relationships with their parents, how long have not seen her children, how he likes the morning, which prefers cold to heat, he likes to meet all kinds of people who do not qualify people in general, but individually, not judge countries by some of its inhabitants. I know he likes and dislikes about the people here look at you with some prevention as a foreigner. That's why I like to talk with me because I'm not here. I know that you shower in the morning, although this has told me, this I know because it is the best man on the bus smells, smells like a mixture of gel and cologne. I also know where it is and not told me, but you do not, no more to hear him speak. I do not know who he is. Not even know his name. He does not know who I am or what my name, but every morning when he arrives at the bus stop greets me, do a couple of comments about the weather (for it every morning are nice, but really is night and closed chuzos falling edge) and then tells me about him, his life. And it happens in a natural way and ends when the bus arrives. We never sit together, not keep talking during the ride when the bus arrives we parted wishing us a good day (he actually me wants to "have a nice day") and each is dedicated to reading our books. I do not know who he is or what it's called, but the man from the bus becomes empty waiting times into small novels.

The Ohio State University Computer Wallpaper


For his three years of blog Taller Antu, will do a lot, you can point you in their blog

until Sunday 29 November. Kisses and good luck to all.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why We Cannot See The Laser From Laser Gun

Calentito Trelly

Hi all, these are my last cosimientos, a panel for my small room and a table runner for Christmas, the colgadito panel already and all, anyone not with the top of a dwarf, Mami! When are you going to put the animals?, Well, already, and happy life and also table runner is finished, but I have it in my classes so that other classmates patch to see. Well I hope you like it, now I'm busy with some ufo that I have around here and a blanket for those who ... as for the little guy, so who is going to be, he wants absolutely everything, everything and here's your mother, all right? would not do for them. A kiss. Chari.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Audi A3 Tdi Sport Wagon

I do not know if the operational services of the city are bored or what, but every year put before the Christmas lights every year and later removed. And take them away because they have to put the carnival lights (yes, yes, Carnival), and they take them away for Easter, because that processions would be fatal bleeding and painful images that are almost looking viscera, between revelry with lanterns shaped masks and musical notes. But as Easter passes and get the wax removed from the streets (you have to hear the squeaks every time you pass a car ñiiiiiiiiiiii, ñiiiiiiiiiiii, which gives the feeling that the car skids badly, and yes , a little skid badly), pulls, and are once again hanging churiburris for the Fair. And start the festive season. To me at first when I arrived, I was amused that urge festive until I realized they do because they do not have much else to do, and by dint of repeated cycles get that everything is always expected to boredom. Okay, every year put Christmas lights different from the previous year but even so. I also have realized that time the slogan that apply to "recycle, reduce, reuse." Well, apply it to recycle and reuse it or reduce it to joke that every year get the largest churiburris. For example, last year the City Council surprised the townspeople by placing a kind of cross between reindeer and giraffe all roundabouts on the road. They were huge, or that had been raised with compound feed, while prevented visibility of the crossings and that we were all cars, 30 more fear and shame. And the funny thing was after Christmas Eve, a night that there was a storm of wind and a reindeer jirafesco came rolling down the road. Luckily it was early morning often find such a fright by vermin wallowing carretera.La thing is that I mutant reindeer who sounded a lot but could not locate until Kenya told me they were the same as had for three years The English court. And then I turned on the lights at once, which seemed to my mind Cortilandia on full display: engendrillos actually were the same reindeer. I was wondering who had to talk to for those reindeer, I'd love them in my garden and to see from the road. Anda was not going to molar or anything. But there was no way to find out, everyone I infinity put in astonishment, stammered unintelligible things and sent me to talk to another person. And a goose goose until finally I went to Lidl and IKEA and I inflate to buy loads of colored lights in the shape of hearts, stars ... to make this year the house like a restaurant bought chino.También a stuffed weasel-shaped, by the way, I thought that children should be fabric Swedish weirdos to play with stuffed weasels, but Bruno loved it, just give me a poke in the hospital and the child is Nordic. And I'll start putting the lights and, as City Hall, so I would not pass it last year, that I was leaving laziness puritita and finally put the Christmas decorations on December 29, and started looking for a book because I found a box with the birth that I had given my mother a few months. Come on, man, do not wear it and disinherit me. This year there, and I told JB that this weekend I will pull out all the boxes of ornaments from the house to begin the Christmas atmosphere. In that yes I will continue the traditions here.
I will not follow local traditions regarding Christmas sweets, mostly because to me that buying tabletitas nougat (all flavors here are not cut hair at that) in a street in the heart of fair stalls Summer gives me so much bad feeling as apples covered with caramel. I like cotton candy. And is a slut, I know, but we each have our vices. This year we will have no choice but to eat cream and polvorones in abundance because Kenya will travel to Prague to study (just as well, which gave them two years ago to elect the municipal band musicians from going away to Lisbon and Benalmádena Benalmádena and elected, which is a spit away from people, I thought that Kenya gave a fit of rage that you entered) and are selling Christmas candy to make money. So today she and Madagascar have been (acting assistant) loaded with piles of boxes supertentadoras. Have left the boxes and Kenya has taken the form of a stuffed penguin. Very cute. Cute. Well, I looked cute until Kenya asked me if I wanted a chocolate and to my surprise, the penguin has got his hand up his ass and has brought some chocolates. Bruno Madagascar and happy, of course. And I am left wondering who will have been deluded pervert who has designed a check candy stuffed in the ass.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Brazilian Wax And Genital Warts

More Christmas film please

One of the worst people I want is the tardiness. The other I love to be tardy because I can rant more and more of them, and also lead me to stop talking and sit them, get out and leave that late planted I really like, what can I do. I take terrible when friends do, of course, because I do not like these leave or put them planted green. You can imagine that I am a British punctuality. It is rare that late, on the contrary, I always try to arrive before the scheduled time, but I just started to walk around the neighborhood looking at the new arrivals. Because yes, I hate being late anywhere but I do not like to be the first. For me always come last, when they are all invited, but of course can not be because if it did always come late and is not in my nature. You know, is like the scorpion, I can not as I can not no more to say. I despair latecomers. And I untie the tongue fine thing are latecomers to the movies. In the theater will not let them go once it has begun the role gives me exactly the same, but in the cinema ... how I hate those who arrive when they are putting the trailers and are dedicated to go rubbing your ass on the knees of the entire row as they go spouting popcorn everywhere and repeated "sorry" in the same tone used by grandmothers to the litany of rosary.

Well, the truth is that I have to admit that I am very cranky film and many things bother me, not only latecomers. For example, neither the popcorn stand. I never understood what personnel moves to kneel those giant buckets of popcorn saltier than the sea, and passed the film sipping a Coke tank where I could swim a duck. Especially in the session of the four or five in the afternoon, when most people in this country are in full digestion. How could anyone inflate empapuzar all that popcorn and coca-cola? And sweets, many are not satisfied with the bucket of corn and also bought a bag of jelly beans, licorice, clouds, or know much of the rev sugar.

To me, if these pleasures were silent, not provoke me beyond surprised to see a fairly mature adult get it in the body. But no, this is crap sound producing noise pollution of all kinds, from the noise of grinding wheels popcorn (we will not discuss the kikos and potatoes, which pissed me) to the people who spend the film scratching the bucket with nails every time you take a Fist of popcorn, or those who choose the candy wrapped in cellophane world crisper. Of course, for my taste the most pigs are sipping coca-cola-rrrrrrrrppp slurrrrrp doing.

I do not like those who speak in the film. I do not mind the comments before the movie, on the contrary, I find it hilarious to hear people, but once it starts I can not bear to talk anyone. And that you hear things descojonantes, I still remember when he left Quevedo in "Alatriste" and adolescents who had sat next to me said, "Go, look, Becquer. The laughter I came in spurts, that JB did not understand why he's so funny to see that scene. Or when he finished "The Name of the Rose" and the girl in the back row said: "aaaah ... I understand .... the girl should call Rose ... so well have titled the film. " Hala, another round of laughter. Which made me not a shred of grace were some Japanese who agreed with me watching "The Last Samurai." We alone in the film the two of them and me, and one of them did not speak English, the other film he translated it entirely into Japanese. Touch your balls, manolito, toooooda the film directly between Japan in the same tone as if they were at home and without a hair cut. Fortunately they had broken the unwritten rules of behavior that says that if you enter a movie theater you have to sit right next to those who have gone before. Aaaaaah, feel, although you have all the room you can not choose to leave rows or seats to accommodate you through, you have to apegotonar with those who have come before you. It is similar to what they do sheep in the mountains, that you let loose and are scattered rather than always en rebaño. Claro que lo de las ovejas (y las cebras, y los ñúes) lo entiendo, que lo hacen para defenderse de los depredadores pero en una sala de cine me contarán ustedes qué depredadores nos van a atacar.

Aun así, con todas esas manías, me gusta el cine; más que gustarme me encanta, y JB y yo aprovechamos que en el pueblo hay 16 salas para escaparnos entre semana a media tarde, que no suele haber nadie. Y cuando digo nadie me refiero a que literalmente no suele haber nadie; que más de una vez hemos estado solos no ya en la sala sino en todo el complejo de los cines. Y eso que se trata de un circuito comercial a tope, que cuando han puesto los ciclos de cine en versión original o de ópera ni les story. Of course, that things happen that happens, as the other afternoon, we climb to see movie joins accompanied by Madagascar, which had finished their homework. We entered and there was nobody, so we chose the more centraditas seats, and just when we thought we were going to turn the lights came a couple of venerable little old gentlemen. The grandparents took a look, they saw us, and instead of seeking a comfortable place turned to climb all the steps that are required to sit right in the front row of ours. It took the strip, of course, that the man had even a cane. And when they were seated she says, "Oh, I would have to urinate, which if not I will not watch the movie at home." And this is said four times, each time raising the voice over for their holy not hear. In the end, when the man had heard (not to learn) the woman added: "I do not know if I will give me time." We calculate mentally what was soon to descend the steps, removed to relieve the petticoats, petticoats put back in, up the stairs again ... PSE film half or so. The woman, who should be doing the same calculation, torn between whether to leave or not, when suddenly he heard a deep voice filled the room: "Go to pee in peace, madame, that hope, if it is necessary to put the two trailers times that no time for everything ". We were all quiet printing. "Is God," she asked with laughter Madagascar. "At this point I would say yes," said JB serious. "Well, I like to waste time," he said laughing Madagascar could be. "Notice that I thought those were soundproof booths" I said surprised. The woman began to look up all around, not knowing who or where to give thanks, and went downstairs, followed by the voice of the husband, who wondered out loud who had said something and what she said. And yes, there was time tó pa, and saw more trailers than ever.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Paddle Attachment Kitchen Mixer

Saturdays were the best day of the week. His father bought peanuts and went to the movies. For two hours they became dangerous pirates, indians faced, they would die for love, and conquering distant worlds. And during the week, memories of the film helped them get on with life as gray. "English" was the only movie theater in town. So the man did not hesitate when the microphone asked the question. He looked at the camera and said: "What'll it be? The films that I like English. " For weeks the whole country saw his face in the NO-DO.
The night he received the Academy Award Cinematography for his career, his image appeared again on the screen: "... The English. " Suddenly his mouth tasted like peanuts and her eyes filled with tears.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Best Camcorder Under 2000$

Trelly takes a lot for the opening of your store, your link

luck and kisses to all and especially for she has luck with your new project, it is beautiful everything they sell in their store.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How To Use Front Camera E71


Hi all, our friend Elsie takes a draw on the 15th of November for his 8000 visits from happiness and to be here many more. If you want to participate you ought to leave a comment on your block
Besitos. Chari.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gay Pickup Places Baltimore

the link does not work, see this Brenda

What If Merino Wool Shrinks

The link is:

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac- Online

pumpkin patch primitives

Primitive Pumpkin Patch Giveaway has prepared a drawing for Oct. 31. You only have to point out their link on your blog. I still fish in computer science and still do not know how to put it when it is ground out his blog, but hey I give the name of your page GIVEAWAY PRIMITIVE PUMPKIN PATCH or your shop is PRIMITIVE PUMPKIN PATCH QUILT SHOPPE. A kiss for all and suerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrte. HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fatality Rate For Navy Eod?

participates in the exhibition Venus Robotics. Milo Manara


"If our gods and our hopes are nothing but scientific phenomena, then our love is also scientific "
"L'Eve Future" by Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam (1886)

With this appointment presents a group exhibition that opened in Paris on October 15 and will remain until November 28 in highlighting the presence of the Italian artist Barbara Canepa several of the original.

The exhibition focuses on the fascination of human beings-like artificial beings mujer.El technological progress has led to the creation of machinery, ever more sophisticated, resembling humans, leading to raise issues and emotional relationships with them and the definition of the ideal female robotic future. also participate in the exhibition Canepa, Akiza, B., Benal / Polis, HR Giger, John Haley III, Patrice Hubert, Andy Julia, June, Aurelien Lortet, Lostfish, Eric Martin, Virginie Ropars, Stéphane Roy, Patrick Sarfati , Mijn schatje and Natalie Shau.
be developed "Le Cabinet des Curieux.

Source: Barbara Canepa , Soleil, Le Cabinet des Curieux .

My Swiss Arms Wont Cock

Control Award

was a boring afternoon. Turned on the TV. Put "Casablanca" again and it licked it entirely. At the end said "Go with it, Rick, what the hell!". To his surprise Rick boarded the plane. Amazed was zapping and stopped at "The Sound of Music." "Kill the fucking children," she whispered, and the sweet Mary plunged down the mountain boys still singing. He did several tests and saw with amazement that it worked, I could change the script at will. Tested with the news and when he saw that removed the last earthquake in Pakistan was shocked and turned off the TV.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Beachstreet Insurance


Caracas .- Venezuela's Electricity Corporation (CORPOELEC), announced yesterday at a press conference that he felt sorry for failing to comply with the scheduled blackouts Week ended.

CORPOELEC had announced through the national press, a series of rolling blackouts in several areas, which were not. When asked about why the community did not give such power outages, CORPOELEC Policy replied that unfortunately a blackout in the central facilities of the corporation precluded other outages.

National Director of Scheduled Outages Asian Light Shin Toit, stated: "we was light at the headquarters and therefore could not remove the light as promised, but we are working for does not happen again." In conclusion, I think Light Shin, "we do not like the lack of commitment, if we say that there will be no light, no, sorry to everyone when we should not give them light"

Editor: Ali Alejandro Rodríguez
Maracay, 18-10 -09

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What Product Is Like Revlon Skinlights?


Milo Manara draw Adriano Celentano.

According to Italian television channel Sky, the great illustrator Milo Manara will be responsible for drawing the famous singer Adriano Celentano for a 3D animated series to be broadcast-HD in 2011 in the chain.

is a collaboration between producer "Clan Celentano " and digital pay-TV Sky, for a series consisting of 26 episodes inspired by the figure of Adriano Celentano, and to be entitled " Il Ragazzo della via Gluck ", the title of one of his songs, which tells the story of a boy who is forced to leave his house in the countryside to live in the city, and, returning eight years later, where there is vegetation only buildings. According to the writer of the series, Vincenzo Cerami the series will not be a historical reconstruction of the career Celentano but, linking with the theme of the song that will title the series will travel and environmental issues counting adventures around the world with fantastic, futuristic touches.

a very ambitious idea is based on the designs of Milo Manara, who draws a tall and lanky Celentano cap and white scarf around his neck. Drawings erotic strokes away from the typical female characters of Manara.

Source: Sky , Corriere del Veneto

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sirdar Yarn Wholesale

Eating in London

been all day walking and feet are starting to complain about the simple process of sending me intermittent pain stings. As I know that if I do not know if it will be worse and end up raising blisters so I feel a bit in a park. It's cold, and humid, but happy. Like London in the autumn. I kicked two markets and have found amazing things. My mother does not support the idea that buying in second hand markets, mostly clothing, but I'm fascinated by the possibility of browsing through the stacks where all you find are unpredictable. I'm going to eat at the restaurant where she works Beatriz. It is an Italian restaurant. Let me address this morning, along with a small completely level, so I arrived without problems. There are plenty of empty tables because even though I arrived before the English lunchtime, it is too late for the British. Beatrice is beautiful with the white uniform and long apron, black. I recommended a few things and tell you better bring me what she believes. The pasta is good, tasty and abundant, white wine, dry as I like, is fresh, the bread is still warm. Enter a group of six English. They sit in the Beatrice area, and brings the letters. I can not help listening. None of them speak English and for them the letters are indecipherable. Beatrice is at your side and asked in English if they know what they're going to take. They say "Guaita Guaita" while pointing the various dishes with air question. Beatrice explains, also in English, leading each dish and they are increasingly confused. I get up and approach. I wonder if they need help and I look as if they had appeared the Virgin. I wonder if I can translate the letter and tell them to calm, which makes it the waitress. I look at my sister, who sighs and explains the letter plate by plate while face looks at me with annoyance aware that there has been no tip.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pokemon World Online Mac?

Immergas Adriano Celentano. Thriller in a German submarine.

Immergas. Tomo1. Günther Pulst.
period: Nicolas Juncker
Editorial: Treize Etrange (Glénat)
p. 56.
Published in September. 2009
€ 13

GÜNTHER Pulst. IMMERGAS (Submerged) Volume 1. A thriller in a German submarine.

July 1939, Günther Pulst is the chief engineer of a German submarine in the navy of the Third Reich. With 39 years and a face marked by life, Pulst suffering internally every second on the submersible hell. Promiscuity, deplorable sanitary conditions, odors, heat, the roar of machinery, undermine his body and morale. Completely paranoid, focuses on the smallest detail for days, tired of hot jokes of his comrades. He is hated by most of the crew, hit his assistant, spends most of his time insulting everyone, but it fulfills its mission perfectly. On Sunday, men have the right to walk over the bridge for a breath. It is gray and ugly, but clean air. Far U52 intersect with another part in a mission that, have fun making fun because they are the ones who are back. Then his colleagues a news broadcast by radio, Kiel SS await them in for questioning. A cold sweat runs Pulst backbone. What are accused? Who complained and why? Pulst is aware of "something." What happened in Spain with the captain? On arrival in Kiel, while big snowflakes fall, a unit of the SS checks the luggage of each one of them ...

Nicolas Juncker presents a historical thriller with an atmosphere dense and oppressive, not only for the venue of a submarine, but the climate of tension that exists inside, the disputes infighting among the crew, a secret that only a few have knowledge. A story that can sometimes reach remember the movie "Das Boot" especially the protagonist, physically very similar to the chief engineer of the film. Perhaps the only objection is that despite the originality of the idea of \u200b\u200brecreating the atmosphere of the talks, the result is somewhat confusing, with characters very similar physically, nearly all bearded and gloom, with complicated names and nicknames.

As for the drawing, Junckers reinforces the claustrophobia with small vignettes, perhaps excessively, framed in thick lines, no wide shots or panoramic views, muted colors and gray highlighting the closure of its protagonists.

The first 10 pages:

Source: PlaneteBD , CoinBD , Telerama , Librairie Critic.