Come, come as user from the iPhone 3G gives me permission to raise your hand and declare that the iPhone 4 is the best smartphone to date.
Much has been made as of this team, even more of when they introduced the first model (lost iPhone in a bar, Antennagate, white iPhone, etc), yet here my comments:
* New design: Apple is one of those companies that design teams from within, and perfect draw, is the iPhone 4. Many put buts the new design, I am one of those others who believe that this design is very Apple.
* Screen: The famous Retina Display fulfills its mission. This screen has a density of 326 dpi and the human eye can distinguish only 300 dpi. Just look at the screen to realize what this is about the DPI. In fact the first thing that strikes the time to have your computer in your hands.
* Speed: Processor A4, it has proven to be very fast in relation to 3G.
Battery: Without a doubt, and something that we appreciate the carriers of this team is, the longer the battery (not exactly a term 'eternal'), but the new term is palpable.
* Face Time: Making video calls is not new, we know. Face Time But try both iPhone or iPhone to Computer to iPhone, is outstanding quality of communication. Note that for now works only with wireless.
* 5 megapixel camera and recording HD: Yes, we know that there are teams already brought this resolution some time. 720p HD recording at 30 fps. Ahh, and now we have Flash (Adobe Flash not hehe).
Well, these are the features that emerge, which, with the user experience we have used the iPhone, I make no doubt discuss the team to beat is still Apple. Although I can not wait to try the Samsung Galaxy S.
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