Maracay .- In hours Saturday morning, a press release by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, the top government apologized to Walter Wendelin, a leader of Batasuna and ETA Pro expelled from the country in recent days. Recall that the leader attempts to enter the country on Thursday and was held a few hours and taken to DISIP Helicoide before being deported to France, which was his next destination.
Venezuela's government wrote to ETA that it was all visual confusion. Part of the statement says: "We apologize for the expulsion of its leader Wendelin, but our customs and immigration officers mistook him for San Nicolas, and policy Anti-Imperialist could not allow their entry into Venezuela. " The statement says that by being in Holy Week could not afford hodgepodge of beliefs: "We did everything by the mental health of the Venezuelan people, and to avoid meddling ways at times pro-yankees holy and reflection" concludes the statement.
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