First of all, start by thanking my lines this year, which ends for introducing me the opportunity to meet so many diverse but have something in common with me, this need to express themselves without limits. In this, the penultimate day of the year, I take a few minutes to a few lines to address to thank all my followers those joys, laughter, fresh news and alternative communication they offered me. To my people 100% UPEL @ luischiva, @ joselrojas, @ yeliupelmaracay, @ juanchachi, @ jesusleonar, @ @ kairariak maruplacencia and others, I hope that in 2010 we continue to fight for the university that we want, not to mention the friendship bond that I hope be maintained for much longer.
A special mention to my friends chevere of Twitter, which despite my TimeLine integrated recently, # yoconfieso that have made it more entertaining than I expected: D. My best wishes for @ MMBT, @ paosv, and @ @ EtaGarcia AriC5. These concepts will bring them. TimeLine's hope that our sigan cruzándose el próximo año. Consejos: a @mmbt: en 2010 no te vayas a la playa en Diciembre, a @paosv: deja de meterte con Britney y sus circunstancias de vida, mira que a mi me gusta ella jaja, a @EtaGarcia: deja de andar pendiente de los sitios feos de Maracay mira que tu eres una niña muy linda (pila con la junta con @ierniie que para sus 15 años sabe mucho de esos sitios :-0) y a @AriC5: cuídate del patas blancas este año, en serio je ¡ Besos a todas. Se les aprecia.
Al pana @indiferencia no puedo mas que desearle que para este próximo año la Nokia tenga la mayor caida de acciones en Wall Street y que caiga en bancarrota a ver que va a hacer con su #usonokia jaja. Mentira hermano, I really hope that next year will be of benefit to you and your Unfollow less and less: D. Successes. Professor @ Hectortorres57 hope that next year will continue to have things both funny and instructive to read in my Timeline. People like @ @ UCEVISTA maru_menechey, @ Dayanaiwasaki, @ IsabellaPacheco, @ @ orlimaraguilera jmcamero and hope that their struggle in 2010 is as intense as it has been so far. Continue to use this window to proclaim freedom we all deserve. My Best wishes. Special mention to the corduroy @ YelenaGon who is not only a tireless fighter UCEVISTA and libertarian causes in general, but also entertains a lot of my TimeLine. A kiss for you buddy and make 2010 even better what was this year ends. Someone who recently came to my TimeLine but surely it has improved 100%, with his deep and inspiring tweets, the beautiful @ CNenita. Pana, the truth I have come to appreciate you a lot in this short time. I hope you continue making me think hard with your Tweets murderers. Lol! A big kiss and best wishes to heart for the next year.
Finally my best wishes to my friend and friend @ JorgeDiazV, I hope that 2010 is three times what was good about this (and that's saying a lot, you know that if: D) and that we can implement the plans associative left pending. I love you brother crude. A corduroy @ Rebeca__Mariana, which next year will be professional success your teacher, and you open new doors for your future, you want a lot: D. Finally, at the MPB @ Jhannelly. This year I had the good fortune to know a lot more, so I hope no less than 2010. My best wishes to you, heart, I hope that next year an even more MPB us and bring you many good things stored. I love you, you know that if.
twitterers To all the friends I do not mention but which also are in my TimeLine, they are much appreciated. I wish that next year brings many good things Followers and pure. Happy New Year and my sincere love to everyone.
Your # twitterpana: @ alialej
PS: Thanks to @ VaVil chevere pana to clarify the errorcito with @ ierniie! je! My good wishes to you too: D